School Handbook
Elementary School Handbook
- Emergency Drills and Closures
- Health Information
- Nutrition Services Information
- Parent & School Communication
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- School & District Policies and Procedures
- School Committees
- School Hours & Schedule
- School Programs & Personnel
- Bus Service & Transportation
- How to Volunteer
- Volunteer Opportunities
Emergency Drills and Closures
Beaverton School District has adopted the Standard Response Protocol for responses to emergencies and critical incidents that occur in our schools. The Standard Response Protocol is utilized for students from Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Please take a moment to review the four actions as they are crucial for all Beaverton School District stakeholders.
- Lockout – The threat or hazard is outside the of the school building. Secure the perimeter.
- Lockdown – The threat is inside the building. Locks, lights, out of site.
- Evacuate – Evacuate students and staff from one location to another.
- Shelter in Place – Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary.
Fire and evacuation drills are practiced monthly. All other drills are held two or more times per year.
More information on the Standard Response Protocol can be found in the BSD Student and Family Handbook and on the District website.
School Closure for Inclement Weather
School Closure for Inclement Weather
Beaverton Schools must sometimes close due to extreme weather conditions. They may also operate on a two-hour delay schedule or snow route schedule. Snow route information is posted on the District website and in our school newsletter. A two-hour delay means schools will open two hours later than normal. This allows time for thawing and for heavy traffic to subside.
We encourage you to use your judgment when transporting your child to school on icy roads. You may choose to keep your child home for the day. Your child will not be penalized if you decide it is unsafe to travel to school.
In the event of school closures or snow day schedule, information will be announced on the radio and TV stations beginning at 5:00 a.m. You may also locate information at the main Beaverton School District website at. The school or District will also call and or text all SchoolMessenger subscribers. Please do not call the school office phone with unnecessary calls.
If the weather becomes extremely bad during the day, school may be dismissed early. Announcements of early closures during the school day are also made on local radio stations. If the decision is made to close schools, all evening meetings and night activities will be canceled, including all extracurricular programs and athletic events.
Early or Emergency School Closure
An early closure due to inclement weather or for any other reason are considered emergency school closures. The emergency school closure plan on your child’s enrollment or verification forms will be followed.
Emergency Closure Family Plan
We may close early because of power failure or other emergency and an announcement would not be made to the media. Please help reduce anxiety for students and staff by sharing your family plan for an early closure with us. It would be a good idea to discuss procedures with your child in the event of an early closure, to go over your family plan with your child, and ask your child to call you at work as soon as he or she arrives home or at the designated location. Enrollment verification forms will be sent home the first few weeks of school for updates and any changes to the family emergency closure plan.
Health Information
Health Emergencies
If your child is seriously injured or becomes ill, every effort will be made to contact you. Please keep your emergency contact information up-to-date with current phone numbers and those of other responsible adults to call in case you are unavailable.
- Head Lice
- Immunizations
- Medication Required at School
- Health Screening Day
- School Insurance
- When to Keep Your Child Home
Head Lice
In order to prevent the spread of Pediculosis (head lice) in the school setting, students with suspected cases of lice will be referred to office staff for assessment and students found with live lice will be excluded from school. Students excluded from school will be readmitted after re-assessment, by designated staff, to confirm that no live lice are present. Students found with nits will not be excluded but will be subjected to periodic checks to confirm continuing absence of live lice.
Successful treatment of head lice requires a coordinated approach and may involve the use of anti- louse products, combing, and implementation of preventative measures recommended by health authorities. The school will provide parents of students found to have contracted head lice with treatment information. It is the school’s intent to not only eliminate any outbreak or infestation, but also to prevent a repeat episode.
We follow District policy and will communicate with families regarding prevention and treatment of head lice. We will notify all parents of students in a classroom upon the discovery of a single case of live lice in that classroom. In the event that three or more unrelated cases of live lice are diagnosed at a school within a two- week period, all families will be notified.
The Oregon Immunization Law requires a series of immunizations for all children entering school. If the parent does not present evidence of these immunizations, or provide a medical exemption signed by a physician or by the county health department, or sign a religious exemption, the child will not be excluded from school until documentation is provided.
Immunizations for Students Enrolling from Out-of-State
Parents of new students enrolling from out-of-state have a 30-day period in which to obtain immunization records. The school will follow up after the grace period to see if students are in compliance with the law. Students who are not in compliance with the immunization law will be notified regarding the immunizations they need. Students out of compliance will also be given a deadline date after which they will not be allowed to attend school without evidence of having received the immunizations. If the immunization record is not immediately available, parents will be asked to sign for all immunizations.
Medication Required at School
Students who must take medication during school hours must comply with following State and School District requirements:
- If your child needs medication during school hours, please bring the medication in the original container and check it in with school office staff.
- For safety reasons it is critical that your transport the medication and complete the necessary forms at the school.
- Please do not send medication to school with your child.
- Prescription and nonprescription medication must be in the original container. When requested, pharmacists are usually willing to provide two labeled containers for home and school.
- A medication record/authorization card is to be completed by the parent in the school office.
- Administration of nonprescription medication by school personnel requires written instructions from the student's parent/guardian.
- Physician orders are necessary for over the counter medications when the dosage request contradicts the safe dosage directions on the bottle or container. The definition of nonprescription medication is a commercially prepared nonalcohol-based medication necessary for a student to remain in school.
- Self-medication is not allowed in kindergarten through eighth grade.
- Parents should pick up their child's medication on or before the last day of school. Any medication not picked up will not be sent home with students and will be destroyed.
Health Screening Day
With the supervision of our school nurse and the assistance of volunteers, your child will participate in a vision and hearing screening in grades K, 1st, and 3rd. Hearing and vision screening tools will be used to help identify those students who need a professional examination. You will be notified if your child needs further evaluation.
School Insurance
When to Keep Your Child Home
Children who are not feeling well have a difficult time concentrating and are not able to learn. Home is the best place for an ill child.
The question of when is a child too sick to attend school is not always easy to answer. Often parents need to make a judgment call of whether to send their child to school or keep them home to rest. Below are some guidelines provided by the Communicable Disease Division of the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services. They were developed to help prevent the spread of potentially contagious diseases.
Nutrition Services Information
For information about menus, meal prices and more visit our Nutrition Services page.
Parent & School Communication
Teachers at Barnes use Seesaw and email to regularly communicate with families. Responses to emails, phone calls, etc. will be within 24 to 48 hours. The Barnes Parent Newsletter will be sent out twice a month with important information about things happening at the school.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
En Barnes nos esforzamos por crear y mantener relaciones sólidas con nuestros estudiantes y familias. Apoyamos a los estudiantes con la autorregulación
introduciéndolos en el plan de estudios de aprendizaje socioemocional y herramientas tales como esquinas tranquilas, justicia restaurativa y resolución colaborativa de problemas.
School & District Policies and Procedures
We strongly encourage you to review the Student and Family Handbook of the Beaverton School District.
School Committees
We have a wonderful collaboration with our parent community through our Barnes Parents and Teacher of Barnes (PTB) organization. We strongly encourage you to reach out and become involved.
We have our PTB meetings on the second Tuesday of every month starting at 6:00. Activities are provided at these meetings. Come and join the PTB to find out events, volunteer opportunities, and to have more information on our school program!
You can also join our PTB Facebook group! It is a great way to connect with other Barnes parents and stay in the loop on upcoming events. It is also a great place to ask questions and create community!
School Hours & Schedule
School Programs & Personnel
Dual Language: Barnes Dual Language
STEAM: Check out some of the amazing things students are learning in activities involving Science, Technology, Art, and Math on this site!
Check out our PE and Music websites to see what our students are learning.
Bus Service & Transportation
To find out more about our bus routes and transportation visit our Transportation page.
How to Volunteer
Volunteers play a vital role in meeting the individual needs of many students at our school. We love to see our volunteers working with students one-on-one, in small groups, assisting in the media center, or working in the resource room. No experience is required, just a willingness to help and a desire to do what is best for students. If you have questions, please contact the office or work with the classroom resource parents. Our PTO volunteer coordinator is also available to assist you with any questions you may have. You can find more information on our Barnes PTO page.
Mandatory Background Check
We believe the safety of our students is of the utmost importance. Our parents/guardians and community require us to ensure that anyone who comes in contact with our students is appropriate to work with children. We are now requiring background checks to be conducted on all volunteers. Please visit the District Volunteer Page to complete a volunteer background check. You may volunteer as soon as the background check process is completed and the Public Safety Office has approved you for volunteering. Background checks are automatically renewed every two years. Please contact the Public Safety Office at 503-356-4444 with any questions.
Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Volunteer opportunities at West TV are often coordinated through the work of the PTC and are focused on activities that support and enrich learning. All families are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Club and are encouraged to become active supporters by sharing their time and talents.
The PTC has monthly meetings, typically on the second Wednesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center. Meeting dates and reminders will appear in the school and PTC newsletters. Families of West TV students are encouraged to participate by coming to the meetings and by being a part of or leading a committee.
An Executive Board facilitates the PTC. The Board's job is to manage the PTC's financial accounts, help communicate PTC activities, assist the various committees to obtain volunteers, and act as a liaison between parents, staff, and the surrounding community. Please visit our school website for a current list of elected PTC board members or the PTC website at
Volunteer Expectations
Identification While Volunteering
All volunteers are required to wear a school-approved name tag at all times when in the building. Volunteers not wearing proper identification should be directed to the school office.
Sign In and Sign Out of Location
Volunteers are expected to sign in and out of the building using the Volunteer Management System. It allows staff to track who is in the building and who participated in specific activities. There is a computer to log into the Volunteer Management System in the school office. Volunteer hours and activities are reported to the Beaverton School Board annually.
Siblings & Other Children
Volunteers may not bring other children when they are scheduled to volunteer.
Volunteers must protect teachers’ and students’ right to privacy. A volunteer may not disclose sensitive school or personal matters which have come to their attention. They should discuss student concerns only with the teacher with whom they are volunteering, or the principal.
Although the job is voluntary, the commitment is professional. Volunteers are there to complete a specific task or assignment. Volunteers are expected to support and maintain an environment conducive to student success. Volunteers should become familiar with and follow all school and classroom policies and practices, including building evacuation, fire drills, etc.
Dependability and Punctuality
Students, teachers and staff members rely on the services performed by volunteers. Volunteers should contact the school if they are unable to volunteer on their scheduled day.
Child Abuse Reporting
Volunteers should report suspected incidents of child abuse. This can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. See the school principal immediately to make a report.
Volunteer Opportunities
Art Literacy
Clothes Closet
Beaverton School District families with limited resources are invited to visit the Clothes Closet, a non- profit organization that provides clothing to children in need in grades K-12. Families must obtain pass from the school counselor in order to visit.
Parent volunteers run the Clothes Closet during the school year. Donations of clothing are always welcome. Donations may be dropped off at any school and a receipt for tax purposes will be mailed to donor if a stamped, self-addressed envelope, is included with the donation.
Continent Club
The West TV Continent Club is a volunteer run, individualized, sequential, yearlong program that enriches the social studies curriculum. Students learn the location of the world's countries, continents, and oceans. It is a home-based program, providing parents a chance to work with their child.
Continent Club passports are issued to all students in the fall. The passports include countries or geographic features at various challenge levels that students are to learn each month. On passport check day the students receive stamps in their passports if they are able to name the countries and other geographic features correctly. Volunteers are needed for the monthly check day.
General Opportunities
Resource Parent
Resource parents are assigned to each classroom and are the teacher’s main contact for volunteer support. With a budget from the PTC, resource volunteers plan and present three classroom parties each year. Resource volunteers also assist the teacher with clerical or other support work as needed. The PTC calls on resource volunteers to coordinate others for fundraising and school wide events.